This research aims to increase awareness about colorism by promoting healthy
The research paper will touch on some background information about colorism,
specifically its origins. Following this, the thesis will analyze the causes, contributors,
and consequences of colorism. It will also talk about the health risks that occur after
undergoing skin lightening treatments. Furthermore, the research will also talk about the
current beauty campaign that exists and how it perpetuates western standards of
beauty, as well as a different approach that they could have taken. Hopefully, it will also
help the public on accepting more than one skin tone as the standard of beauty, as well
as sharpen the public’s decision-making process on consuming,
and sharing
information about skin treatments, and of course, help young girls have a more positive
Hence the solution would be in the form of a social media campaign, published
on an Instagram page. It would have a photos, and infographics. The infographics
would include the accumulated knowledge from the research, shown in a palatable way.
The campaign would mostly be graphics, with elements of photography.
Awareness of Healthy Skin Practices Through Instagram Campaign