The campaign animation titled “8 Kawasan Tanpa Rokok” educates its audience about the provincial regulations on smoke-free zones in Indonesia. Being the third country with the highest number of smokers, it has become an important public health problem. Smoking does not only endanger the smokers’ health but also put passive smokers in a disadvantageous, unhealthy environment. For that reason, this campaign targets adolescents who are old enough to understand the importance but young enough to still break out of their habits. This campaign has the purpose to increase the awareness of risks and harm of smoking in public places and create a disciplined, healthy, smoke-free environment through an interactive, relatable and educative content.
My name is Felycia Annabel but people usually call me Felice. Currently, I am a third year student who is pursuing a bachelor degree in Graphic Design and New Media in Binus International University. I have interests in learning new art styles and learning more in this design field. I may be inexperienced but throughout my study in university